Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Just breaking down my past few weeks into the Good, Bad, and we go


Cross Country! I have to say, this is probably my favorite sport in the world. The team is so much fun, my girlfriend is on the team too, we travel to a lot of races around the state, and I'm pretty good for my fist year- today I PR'd (Personal Record- I beat my best time) with a time of 22 minutes 16 seconds for this race I've ever ran. I'm hoping to get below 22 minutes by Conference, the regional race that marks the end of the season (unless you go to championships), and I'm thinking by Senior year, maybe even Junior, I'll be on the varsity team and getting sub-20. Hope for the best, right?

Andrea and I are doing fantastic...she means the world to me. Been seeing her as much as I can, every day in science and usually on the weekends too. And its awesome that she is in Cross Country :) been having a bit of problems...I'll talk about that later. But overall, fantastic.

Football games! Kind of our annual get-together for "the group" every other week. we have a great time :) and since im in XC i get in for free :) hoping to do a bit more with my group of friends later on, once my weekends become open.

Homecoming is the 26th of October...never been to one of these things, so I'm pretty nervous, but it should be fun. any pointers?

Andrea's birthday is tomorrow...I got her a nice necklace, cost me a good amount of money....its a cross made out of sterling silver with a gemstone set in the center. I hope she likes it :)

The Bad and the Ugly...

I cant really separate these, so determine them as you wish.

A friend of mine wanted to ask a guy out to homecoming...this guy used to be really nice, and Andrea's best friend, but he has gotten really mean lately. He told her that he doesn't want to go with her, because he wants to go out with someone who is WAY above his league, and told her to "better not get upset by it". when she asked why he even talked to her, he said "because he was bored". Yeah...I wanted to kill him for that. makes me sooo mad, seeing as she is one of my best friends >:(

Linking to the top one...I'm loosing a lot of friends to High School. One is a sophomore who used to be my best friend, but now he thinks he is too "cool" or "important" for me (even though I was his VERY FIRST friend in America), and is being pretty much a D-bag to me all around. it ticked me off...but if he wants to be like that, its his loss, I dont think any of his friends will ever be as good of a friend as I was, but if he wants to be that way, he can go for it. I'm better off without him. Another friend is the one who was mean to the girl above me, and another is a guy I've known since kindergarden who is leaving me in the dirt to fit in. At least I have Joseph, Kim, Sydney, and Andrea....kind of the only people left in our "group" by now, and my best friends at that. Its just upsetting to see so many good friends leave me least I know those four wont do friends you could ever have.

Andrea and I have been going through a real rough spot this past month, its like I dont know if she cares for me at all, she keeps running off with her friends and forgetting about me....but dont worry about that, we've talked it out, and I dont think it will happen again....I just dont like the friends she is hanging out with, they are not good friends, they use her and than dump her when they feel like it. At least I'm still here for her...always will be. I just dont want to repeat the last month.

And thats all for now