Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Look

Just thought that the old background was getting a bit do you guys like this one?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

An update on Ulimatum

Ultimatum is a series of short stories that revolve around the conflicts of the world as I see them in 50 years. Anyways, Ultimatum is finally open, so you can view it if you want. Here's the overall back story:

The year is 2052, and human civilization is on the brink of total collapse. With the world population at 11 billion, a world food shortage combined with the rapid disappearance of natural oil reserves has severed trading connections between the U.S and China, effectively plunging both into a great depression. Russia is in the midst of civil war as the western half succeeds from the communist eastern side, which has joined China to form the Red Star Alliance, to join the European Union. Canada effectively closes its borders as its natural oil supplies make it a vulnerable target from both he E.U and the Red Star Alliance, and a new terrorist organization, the United Liberation Front, wreaks havoc upon the world. It’s a new kind of war now, a war where the conflict's as much between rich vs. poor as as nation vs. nation. These are the accounts of those soldiers who fought in the last days of human civilization, the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect what little they have left in a war that overshadows anything the world has encountered yet.

Welcome to circa 2052, welcome to war.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

101 Things To Do Before I Die Part 1

okay, back to actual blogging...hopefully the homework situation will back itself of for a wile (doubtful) so I can get back to some actual posting.
Anyways, here is 1-10 (in no particular order) of 101 things to to before I die. This includes places to visit, things to do, people to meet, ect ect all wrapped up into one huge mess of a list. some are obvious, some less so, and some may leave you wondering "why would he want to do that??" anyways, Enjoy!

1. See the Eiffel Tower in France
2. See a U2 preforamnce
3. go to the super bowl
4. Be on T.V
5. Visit Spain
6. Visit England
7. Visit Germany
8. Visit Rome and Venice in Italy
9. Begin my day with an ocean sunrise and end it with an ocean sunset
10. Visit San Fransico