Sunday, October 4, 2009

101 Things To Do Before I Die Part 1

okay, back to actual blogging...hopefully the homework situation will back itself of for a wile (doubtful) so I can get back to some actual posting.
Anyways, here is 1-10 (in no particular order) of 101 things to to before I die. This includes places to visit, things to do, people to meet, ect ect all wrapped up into one huge mess of a list. some are obvious, some less so, and some may leave you wondering "why would he want to do that??" anyways, Enjoy!

1. See the Eiffel Tower in France
2. See a U2 preforamnce
3. go to the super bowl
4. Be on T.V
5. Visit Spain
6. Visit England
7. Visit Germany
8. Visit Rome and Venice in Italy
9. Begin my day with an ocean sunrise and end it with an ocean sunset
10. Visit San Fransico


Sarah said...

Hmm.. I'm not that big of a U2 or superbowl fan, but 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 look good to me :P

+ publish a book. That's a biggie on my list. And at night, to just go outside and lay down and stare at the stars for hours with a star book (which surprising I haven't done yet).

Devon said...

hmm...hadn't thought of those. May have to put em up with the next one