Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ultimatum- Entry 1

Okay, finally got around to writing a bit, but don't expect much for quite a while. Basketball starts Monday, and we got a practice time from 4:30-6:00 Monday-Friday. Seeing that by bus rise takes an hour and a half from the 3:00 exit from school (ugh), I have to hang out around school grounds from 3:00-4:00..than have basketball till 6:00. So, in other words, I'm not going to have much time to write. i will, however put forward an effort to post every weekend, whether it be a writing, photography, or a brief summery on how my week went. anyways, here's my opening to Ultimatum:

1st Lieutenant John Ashford
X57 Special Forces Detachment
Imperial Legion
Warship Firedancer

You never enter war without the will to win it. Never will you place you hand on the hilt of a gun intent to end a man’s life until you come to the conclusion that with the victory over war brings about the emotions of hope and love and joy that the society of mankind is precariously based upon. And if you can give your life for those same virtues as easily as you can end another, than you’ve fulfilled your duty as a soldier, and may the maker guide your soul.
It doesn’t always work like that.
At 35 years of age, Lieutenant John Ashford remembered little of the years before the war. Enlisting at the age of 16, just two years after the first Arascole bombardment of Amos, Ashford was a 19 year veteran of a conflict that had raged Imperial space for over 2 decades, and his impressive service record showed that. With over a dozen special commendations, top-of the line special forces training, and a service record that stretched back to the invasion of Everest and the victories over Meigar, it was no wonder that he was serving with 60 of the sharpest, deadliest, and most ***-kicking marines on the face of the planet, the impressive X-Class Infiltration Regiment. Too bad that only five of these warriors were left standing…most of those deaths occurring only within twelve hours.
No one expected New Eden, a mega-world that served as the heart of the Federation’s massive economic empire, to be attacked. Fifty orbital cannons guarded the surrounding system, and if invaders managed to beat through both that and the 300 ships, they would still have to contend with the EMP-repulsing security field hovering around the metropolis and the thousands of men stationed on the planet ready to react to a major assault within an hours notice. Then again, no one expected that the Arascole still had 1500 warships at their disposal this far in the war…and no one expected the destruction that much firepower would bring upon the world below.


Kayla said...

well... sucks for the dude in the story, but other than that...