Sunday, November 21, 2010


Idk what got into me to write this...suffice to say that it is Very, very personal....just a random poetic moment for me that I had to put down...again, very, very personal.

A dying sun sank between the dying waves, casting dark, beautiful hues across the water. The cries of gulls filled the air, a single, lonley ship bobbed among the waves. In our future stood a distant peer, but here and now, there was only my hand in hers, her hand in mine...that was all that mattered, all that would ever matter...

The sun shot colors of purples and orange across her skin, perfectly illuminating her, her body that she wanted to hide but that I loved with ever fiber of my being. Sea salt stained her lips when i kissed her, her hair fell in perfect locks down her neck, damp and tangled but more beautiful than ever. Her legs moves with a fluid movement that I have never seen in another girl nor will ever see again, more of an elegant dance than a simple stride. We walked together, hand in hand, looking over the waves crashing over the shore, enjoying every precious moment, knowing that there may never truley be a future, than every second was fragile and precious and every day would bring us closer together....or farther apart.

And so we walk towards that distant peer, hand in hand, and in this moment, this single, wonderful moment....nothing could seperate us. Together we were eternal, held together not by the physical bond of holding hands. Together we are held enternaly by love, and though the future is always shifting, this moment, this precious moment, is where we belong...together.

Again...very personal. I dont know what got into me to write this, but please, please respect what i put down. I mean, i wrote it already...idk, i just FELT like i had to say that. I guess im finally ready to face the consequences.


Sarah said...

Wow, that's really poetic and beautiful. What consequences to do face for writing this?

I like the the part about "her body that she wanted to hide" - lots of girls feel like that. I know I do, and it's terrible. :(

This is really good :) I love the description.

Devon said...

thanks :) I guess i really do love her...and im not sure if im ready to tell the world that