Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dominican Mission Trip: Friday

Well, I got back on Friday after some god awful traveling, and I've spent the last couple of days resting (and running cross country twice a day, 2 hours each...blegh). School is in a week, so I'm kind of racing the clock on summer. Anyways, here's my rundown of the trip (starting with Friday)

Friday: Travel day. Arrived at the church at 11:00 on Thursday and took the two-hour car ride to Charlotte in the middle of the night. Our driver, Trey, who is honestly the funniest guy I've ever met (he is 22 and in college, and was chaperoning us the entire trip) probably made this one Indian guy's night...singing and making fun while he was leading us from the parking lot to the airport.

Got to the airport around 1:30 and had to wait till 4 until the terminals opened up. Some of the kids started racing and everything in the wheelchairs and overall being loud and rowdy, which meant 0 sleep at all for Devin (and the other people sleeping in the airport). Finally got on the plane at around 5:30 after going through security, and spent the rest of the 2-hour flight to Miami trying to get some sleep on a three-seat-to-a-row plane. Extremely uncomfortable. Got to Miami, immediately jumped on a much larger plane to the Dominican. Another 2-hour flight, than customs and security and we were in.

Met up with our four local "chaperons" from COI (christian outreach international), who were probably the happiest people I've ever met. 45-minute car ride to San Pedro, the city where we would be staying at, and immediately had lunch. Pasta, but not like I've known..they put goat cheese on EVERYTHING, and it was...unexpected to say the least. Had about an hour of rest at the house we were staying at before going to some local bible camp. Kids were really cute, but I couldn't understand a word they said :p Rested for another couple of hours before going to church, which involved two hours of singing and dancing and more Spanish. Soooooo confusing.

Went out to some Calzone place (no idea how to spell that) at around 11, then came "home" and went to sleep. Thats after 36 hours of staying wide awake. Suffice to say, i was pooped.

I'll post on the other days throughout the week!


Sarah said...

Sounds like a good trip! This sort of stuff is why I want to learn a bazillion languages so I can understand everything :P