Thursday, June 11, 2009

What some wish for...

A little "be careful what you wish for" story. Just to clarify, i have nothing against lawyers, their just fun to poke fun at. This one is pretty weak, but i need to put something up so..

Stephen Kline was a respectable man living in the suburbs of Boston. Having graduated top of his class from law school, and with a prosperous future with the Boston Law, he was also plagued with many less flattering traits that plagued many lawyers of his time: greed, treachery, and a firm hand in the underground market all kept him as a focus in his job. And all of these flaws would lead Kline to his ultimate demise, which began on a fateful road during typical Monday afternoon as he was walking back from a particularly grueling day at the office. As he strolled past a common gypsy beggar, he was startled with a sudden tug at his leg. Looking down, he found the beggar clawing at his feet, begging for change. “Please sir, just enough to by me some food, my children are starving!” Glancing down at the empty jar, he shrugged and dropped a five dollar bill into her outstretched hands. Yet, even as he made a move to walk away, he found that the pitiful pile of rags was still clinging to his pants leg. With tears in her eyes, she brought her gaze to stare right below his nose, and cried hoarsely:
“Thank you, sir, your charity shall be greatly rewarded!”
She brought her eyes up, and Kline hesitantly, after a few seconds of silence, ventured further with a casual
The woman, her long nails digging into his arms, clawed her way to her feet. “I will grant you three wishes, and no matter what you say, it will be granted to you”.
Kline, clearly questioning the sanity of this woman, ventured farther with another casual “Huh?”
“Go on, anything you want, it shall be granted”. Was Kline imagining the faintly reddish glow in the woman’s eyes?
Well, if it worked, he would never have to work again. If I didn’t, no harm done, right? “Okay…I guess, for starters, I would like a trillion dollars.
The woman seemed to be considering this, then “go on”
“I would like myself to be envied by everyone for my beauty”
He thought for a moment, then “I’d like to live forever”
“You Sure?”

6:30 A.M, the next day

Kline awoke the next morning in a daze, having stayed up all night doing paperwork. Practically crawling to the bathroom, he picked up his razor and began to shave, not really focusing on his image in the mirror. After nicking himself, however, he glanced up only to see and alien face staring back at him. What stood before him in the mirror was undoubtedly beautiful, but somehow…predatorial, as if he was a kind of vampire. He ran to the computer, to find, to his great enlightment, that exactly 1 trillion dollars had been transferred into his bank account. Practically skipping with glee, he hurriedly got ready and ran out the door.

Kline walked up to the newsstand, the newsboy completely rapped up in his gaming magazine. Grabbing a paper, he slapped down a five dollar bill. Without looking up, the newsboy said “that would be 500...yen, sir”.
Flipping a page in his game informer, he replied “yeah, the U.S dollar dropped hugely over night…government’s using yen now.” He glanced up, then started backing away from the desk slowly. “What are you, anyways?” In a daze, Kline simply got up and left, emerging himself in the shadows of the alleyways.

3 thousand years later

The U.S government hadn’t been too happy with him, he reflected as his stomach gave another painful jerk, trying to digest itself but to no avail. Having found him in possession of trillions of stolen U.S dollars, and put of by his unearthly looks, they locked him up in a cell to rot until they found a way to deal with him. But nuclear war decades later changed all of that, and he had simply curled up and waited for the sun to supernova, then to float aimlessly through space through endless darkness and cold, possibly finding himself on another life-bearing planet. And even then, could his body keep going even after the universe ripped itself apart?

He would think the same thing, over and over, for the rest of eternity.


Sarah said...

That's cool. Slightly depressing, but it goes along with the theme.

I wish... to be an AMAZING writer ( + being able to write short stories would be nice too :P)

Devon said...

hehe, i wish to be able to write longer stories and eat every kind of cheese in the world! yes. prefect :P

Sandy W said...

Amazing story. Seems a lot like a twilight zone episode.