Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good Day!

Excuse the cheesy title, but I got some good news...for me anyways XD Basically, the school has put out a 'student of the month"- one girl, one guy, and they get to go to some fancy resort place for rich people and eat dinner there..along with the other student of month guys.

The Good: fancy resort, good food (compared to cafeteria junk..ugh), and one of my best friends (FRIEND, not GF, before you get any ideas) got picked as the girl

The Bad: the other people there are probably going to be straight-A geeks/nerds, and since my parents work to much, my principle has to drive me there...awkward :x

The Unknown; How the heck did i get this?! I'm far from a straight A student. more of a C-B, and the same goes for that other girl. Yeah, I'm friendly with almost the entire class and yeah, I do pretty good when the LA teacher wants us to stand up in front of the class and present something (wax museums coming up, that's going to be fun. I'll tell you guys more about it later, but I'm surprised it wasn't the smart kid(s) that got it...not that I'm complaining of course...


Sarah said...

Wow, that's an awesome reward for student of the month... at my old school it was one person per class, and then out of those there were 2 20$ gift cards for Crabby Joes or something (DO you guys have Crabby Joes? Or Shoeless Joes?). That's a lot cooler.. even if it's nerd-packed, lol.

At my school it wasn't as much for grades as it was for trying... (which means if your smart, like me, you never got one, like I didnt). But maybe there'll be a suprise on your report card or something :P (in a good way).

Devon said...

nah, we don't have any of them where I live..maybe some off the mountain but *shrug*
BTW saw this one movie, The Green Mile, of the best things I've seen since The Dark Knight. defiantly worth seeing ( It was made in the 80s or something but its still one of the best movies out there)