Saturday, January 9, 2010

Questions that Need Answers- Ascension

Well, I've e finally found a story that I really enjoy writing, but there is a number of questions that need to be answered before I really get the story going. I would highly recommend reading the (very) rough draft below, though I'm undoubtedly going to change it entirely soon.

- First off, I need a way to blend both sci-fi and fantasy into one setting..I'm not too sure that my prologue does it justice. It seams more like a sci-fi military story than I would like, which needs to be changed

- Ascension is a cover name, So I really need a good name for the series and the book. Thoughts?

- Lightning is another cover name, but I want her name to be something mysterious and shadowy. She cast aside her name long ago, and is now a legend towards her people...and a feared myth to the humans. 1) it could be a name in the native tongue meaning "shadow" of "unknown one", or 2) it could be a name which the humans gave her, which I would prefer (shadow, lightning, ect.)

- What caused Lightning to have so much hatred towards humanity?

- How should the story be told? Should it have interweaving chapters showing the different perspectives of the human male and the elf-alien female, or should both their stories come together in the middle, even though their loyalties still belong to their own species (forbidden love, anyone?)

- Lightning's species is almost an exact duplicate of humanity evolutionary wise, though they evolved from the planets birds instead of apes (For the story, I'm putting evolution in, but I'm not completely casting aside religion, k? Not trying to tread on any toes) 1) How should they look? I'm trying to create the elf-like species of a Fantasy, Sci-Fi setting, but they do have to look distinctly alien, though still human-looking and even beautiful to the human eye. My description below was vary, very vague. 2) simple, yet heard to do. What is the species name??

- What other alien species should be on the planet that still contribute to the Sci-Fi Fantasy setting? I only have one other, the Arascole, which are a brutish tribal race from the mountains (somewhat like the dwarves, as in they live in isolation, but much more clan-like and...taller. As in 10 feet tall taller.)

- How should the actual story begin? Something traumatic has to happen to the Main Character (Alexander Glidewell)for him to encounter Lightning.

-Is there an ultimate evil? What is the end goal for Lightning and Alexander? Why is this goal challenging their faiths in their own species?

- Lastly, who are the other characters int he story? Any interesting character you would like to see?

Thought on any of these would be very helpful.