Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Boys of Summer

Can't figure if I like this summer or hate it. Well, On the good side, I've been together with my girlfriend for about a month now (which is pretty good, seeing as most kids break up after a week). She's been gone twice though- one time for a missionary trip, and now for the beach. But there is still half of the summer to go (and I HATE going back to school in August- ugh!). 4th of July (Independence Day) is coming up- you know what that means: Americans get drunk, are in the possession of firework, and end up burning a lot of stuff. And seeing that we live about 30 minutes from the Tennessee border, which has kinds of fireworks illegal to sell (though not to use) in almost every other state, it gets pretty...eventful. Going to a party with a couple of my friends after seeing the 4th of July Parade with Andrea in the afternoon- should be an eventful day.

Then again, Eventful pretty much describes almost every day in my summer. Going to the movies, bowling, heading uptown, swimming, work for 10 dollars and hour (which inevitably spend the next day), running to get in shape for Cross Country, or just hanging out with a good book- great, great summer. Nothing much to add, there has been a number of eventful incidents in the last month for example:

-Doing a competition with my friend to see who could text 100 words while swinging (harder than you think!)
-First date with a girl, ever...went pretty well
-Laughing at my friend when his cell phone went off in the middle of a movie
-Playing Cops and Robbers across the entire town
-Staying up until 1 or 2 each night to text my girlfriend or talk to her over facebook
-Singing at the top of my Lungs to the Entire Journey album with my friends
-Taking Hikes in the breathtaking beauty of the Appalachian Mountains
-Sitting on the back deck watching the sun set than staring up at the stars
-Going Mini-Golfing and failing miserably (56 on 18 holes!)
The list goes on and on.

But, with all the good things, you'd be surprised with all the drama I'm dealing with. Long story short, it seems like a lot of people are worried about a lot of things, and they go to me to talk about it. Not that I mind, but its so hard to when you don't know what to do or say. Ugh :/

Well, thats my update. I'll get another one out after the 4th!

Edit: sorry about not being able to get anything of Ascension up- I'm stuck on a part I'm writing at the moment and what I have written isn't all that good. Why does writing have to be so hard?


Sarah said...

Wow, my summer just started, and yours is almost halfway through! Sounds like you've been having a lot of fun :]

How can fireworks be illegal? I'm going to a local provincial park (park owned by government where you can go camping) and seeing some fireworks there with friends on Canada Day, which is July 1st :P

&& writing is hard because if it wasn't, it wouldn't be as amazing :P good luck with Ascension!