Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back to School

First off, sorry about my lack of posting- school has kept me very, very, VERY busy. To be honest, High School isn't all that bad- boring and frustrating, but I'm getting back into the usual hang of things as far as school is concerned. Well, as far as a breakdown on the last two weeks, here goes nothing...

School, in and of itself, pretty much sucks. I have no classes with any of my friends, I pretty much sit at lunch by myself (All my friends have 3rd or 4th lunch while I have 1st), and I have a buttload of homework every night. Band is boring as heck, Health is annoying, English is okay, and Technology is either fun or incredibly boring. I guess the best part of the day is at the end- I have Science with Andrea, and I sit right beside her, and that makes what would normally be a boring class the best part of the day. I have Cross Country every afternoon (more on XC later) with Logan and John, who are really fun to run with. Andrea has joined XC too, which is fantastic, as I can see her more :D but, im wondering how she is holding up....I dont know if she is having a really good time or if it makes her miserable :( But, I think its special that she joined Cross Country to be with me- and im not about to forget that.

Already finished one book in English, Of Mice and Men. Pretty good book, short...we had to do annotations or essay questions every night, which is annoying, but its not too bad. Mice and Men is incredibly sad at the end- I don't want to spoil it, but it was depressing :( English isn't that bad- I sit by this one girl, Kat, and she is pretty cool (and no, not nearly as amazing as andrea before you get any ideas.)

In Band we just do breathing exercises and scales the first hour and only actually play for like 45-30 minutes. Which sucks horribly. Our band director wants to have us join in with the marching band in football games and everything, but really, im already deciding to just quit softmore year. band just isn't fun anymore.

Health is on an alternating A/B schedule with band for 2nd period, but its incredibly annoying. Our teacher is like some woman who is in the army reserves, and she is, incredibly mean. One of my worst classes.

Lunch is....awful, for the most part. I sit with a group of people who I used to play basketball with, seeing as their the only people i know in that lunch (except for kim, who sits with me every other day- she has an A/B lunch plan), but they dont really pay attention to me. Worst part is that a kid who used to be one of my best friends, he is a softmore, sits in the same lunch, but since highschool came last year for him, he has just gotten more and more egotistical, mean, and generally a jack*** to me. His loss.

Fundamentals of Technology can again, either me really fun or really boring. On one hand, i dont know anyone there (except for one of Andrea's friends, but only slightly) and the teacher can't teach worth crap, but on the other hand most of the kids are pretty wild and fun, and if we are doing a project (which we do a LOT) they are generally interesting. so, depends on the day.

I love science...the teacher is pretty fun, doesn't teach us crap, but im happy because I get to sit with Andrea. Pretty much what I look forward to in the day.

Cross Country is amazing- I think I've found a sport that I really, really like and that just clicks, unlike basketball or soccer. Basketball I loved, but I just sucked at wasn't allt hat fun for me after a while, though i guess i was good at it. XC is both fun and I'm pretty good at it, if I may say so myself. We practice 5 days a week, varying between low key days, like a medium run and exercise circuts, to things like tempo runs and hill workouts. I've been in two competitions so far- Clash of the Classes, a county race that is is basically just you vs other freshman boys, that kind of stuff. I got...7th or 8th in that race with a time of 13:35 for a 3k race. And I got a medal :D The other competition was this weekend- it was farther away, so we spent the night at a hotel friday night, which was a lot of fun :) there were 4 people in my room, and only 2 beds, so as usal frushman gets the floor, last shower, etc- but it was all good, they were pretty friendly to me :) hanged with andrea that night a bit- but I pretty much just crashed at 10:30 to get some rest for the race the next morning.

The race was a regional race, so, 13 or so schools divided into six races- championship, invite, and open, boys and girls for each. It was a 5k race- and it was TOUGH. the course was pretty hard- the vetrans from the previous years had named all the hills you came across previously, which were Horseshoe Hill, Seizure Hill, The Wall, and Hill Hill, in that order. yes, our vetrans are pretty crazy if your wondering ;) Horshoe hill wasn't bad- seizure was tough, but it had a nice downhill to gain back momentum after it. the wall was pretty much straight up, and just kept going- probably the hardest. Hill Hill is what one of the seniors called a "joke hill"...your about to reach the end, but no, before that you have to go through HILL HILL- its like a big slap in the face. its not bad, but since your almost dead by then, its TOUGH. Still, I ran the race without stopping, got 115th place out of 213 in the open race with a time of 23:32, which is pretty darn good if I may say so myself. Im hoping to break 22 or even 21 by the end of this season- maybe even 20, but thats really tough...5 minutes a kilometer, ugh! My school got 2nd place out of all 13, which is really good. Andrea looked like she was going to pass out after her race- I pretty much had to carry her to the shade so she could sit down afterwords. and yes, I am that good of a boyfriend ;) Both races were woth it- you should have seen us before the race! each race, teh guys all gather in a circle and start chanting "mudcats" (our team name) before ripping off our shirts, sprinting to the starting line, all while screaming at the top of our lungs. we are that intese lol :) but it really does help get out all the nervousness you have, plus it intimidates the other teams :) you try to not look scared when there are 50 some high school boys charging at you screaming like something out of braveheart! :D

Today I worked for...8 hours maybe clearing trees from that last ice storm last Christmas- and yes, we are STILL cleaning up from that. anyways, I got about 60 bucks off that- enough to buy this new video game im looking forward to, a Halo game, which comes out the 14th. A certain, special somebodies birthday is the 26....need to save up from that, but what do you guys think would be a good present to get her? something special, but preferably under 50 bucks ;)

And thats the last two weeks. until next time!