Saturday, July 11, 2009

The New Story Part 2

Before i go in to this, i need some names for the story. So, if you have a sudden urge to comment, please give me some ideas.

June 5th, 2014
This nightmare started last week. It was supposed to be a normal checkup, but they did test me for Zombie Syndrome because of the recent outbreak in Charlotte. Guess what? Yep, i tested positive, you want a cookie or somethin? Its kinda etched in my brain at the moment, but that's kinda obvious, isn't it?

I remember that i was sitting in a kind of chair, those white ones that always smell of some cleaning detergent and never have even a spot of dirt on them. I guess you could say that for the whole room, too, as i quickly found out after trying to find patterns in the ceiling tiles for the last..hour, hour and a half? Not important i guess, so lets just say that i was really, really bored.
I remember that Dr. Cleanman (im serious) had pulled my mother out into the hall, and i had quickly found that the walls kept any noise from outside safely reduced to muffled whispers. So, when my 'mother' came in with red spots around her eyes, i quickly came to two conclusions:
1. Things were really, really bad (for me, that is)
2. my mother wasn't crying for me, but for her high-up public image. I cant remember the last time she cried for me.
with those two things down, i cant really say that i was surprised that i had Zombie Syndrome. Upset, needless to say (im not going to go into the details), but I decided to tune out my mothers sobs 9again, not directed towards me) and Dr. Cleanman's professionally uncaring diagnostic of how i would slowly, slowly loose my mind over the next three weeks.

Things just went downhill from there