Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Big Scoop on the Big Apple

Okay, this is way overdo, seeing that i left over two weeks ago, but i've been busy..with camp. Its a university sponsored thing, called UREC (no points to whoever figures out what that stands for), and is a lot of fun at times..and a lot of not fun at others. For example, Today (Thursday) Me and a few other campers my age, along with my sister, did a huge diving/jumping competition at the pool, along with Playing Dodgeball in the gym and hanging out at the University Solarium after lunch. However, we actualy had a dance class- dance class! - at the end of the day, which wasn't that bad i guess. I mean, we all looked like dorks compared tot he director person, so i decided to make the most of it and really get into it- as a huge joke of course. It was actually kinda funny to see all those people barely moving while im completley grooving was a major lol moment :). However, im not too ecstatic about going this and next week, as school starts directly after I finish. Yep, we go to school in August. That should be illegal.

Anyhow, back to NYC. To put bluntly, the city was big..and crowded..and noisy..and had the best hot dogs ever. You had taxis take you wherever you wanted, though most things were in walking distance, and there wasn't a building under 10 stories high as far as you could see. Central Park was nice, but very, very artificial compared to where I live..all the trees in nice little rows, rocks place too convienently for picture taking, you get the picture. The city in and of itself was very intimidating in a way..but there was so much to do, so i cant say If i was relieved or disappointing when we left..probably a mixture of both.
We took a huge boat tour around Manhattan (that was interesting for like the first hour and a half before it got boring), Went to the Natural History museum (again big, crowded, and noisy) and got front row tickets to THE Lion King on Broadway. As in, the REAL THING, not some traveling community. The show followed the story of the movie, yes, but other than that it focused solely on African culture and traditions. Each of the animals was a person (or more in the case of the elephants and rhinos) in a costume, and the way they moved and acted was scarily like their actual animal counterpart. From the beginning song to the climatic ending, I was captivated into he show, and have to say that it was one of the best times of my life. When the animals came in from the isles at the very beginning to witness the birth of simbah, the girl on the isle across from me had her whole face lite up..jaw agape and everything. I think that my face mirrored hers in more ways than i would admit. I could go on and on about this, but to put short it was well worth the price of admission, and if you ever see any traveling bands, or get the opportunity to go to NY yourself, i HIGHLY recommend seeing it.
As far as Times Square, It was bright, crowded, and expensive, but had a lot of things to do in it. I guess you could say the same thing for New York in whole, and it was one of the best places i've ever visited in my life...not that i would want to live there or anything ;)


Sarah said...

Nice pictures! I've never been to New York... but it looks pretty cool - the scarily big cool.

The statue of liberty looks really picturesque and whatnot :P tres magnifique. (I'm turning frenchie cuz I haven't had french class for a while.. thinkig en francais!)

Why is it called the Big Apple though? lol :P

BTW, my summers been okay - as good as a summer can get, really. What about yours?

Devon said...

My summer? hmm..well, for starters, June was kinda of a relaxing time. You know, a few hikes there, heading uptown with friends on the weekends. July was fun, i guess, with New York and all that. But its not as..exciting as i wanted. Last year, we went on hikes every other day, went to the pool constantly, and had a blast doing stupid stuff with my friends...
So, as far as summers go, this one has been awesome (it IS summer), but i feel that im missing out on some of the hype from last year. And its going by so fast...
Thanks for asking :)