Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Memories of Summer 2009

So, school starts tomorrow. Which is both good and bad. On one side, i get to see some friends that i haven't seen in a while...but on the flip side, im going to be bogged down with homework, chased by hectic schedules, and haunted by the ever-present social issues that find their way into every middle school hallway (yes, we have to share the same building with the elementary kids..but with a size of only 300, that's not that bad). Oh, one other thing...summers OVER!!! *cries*

To ease my mind of the self-imposed sorrow and rage that is flowing through my veins (that might have come out a bit thick :P), i've decided to write down my favorite moments of the summer. So here, in no particular order, is my Memories of Summer 2009.

-Playing Halo 3 with my sister, friend, and cousin...while having Don't Stop Believing playing on full volume and singing tunelessly at the top of our lungs until midnight. We may have had a bit to many diet cokes that night...

-Sitting in the middle of times square and people-watching. The irony that NYC is the least prejudice city int he world...people would walk by two gay guys (i'm meaning that in the factual sense) and not give a glance. I dunno, im not prejudice or anything, but that left a pretty big impact on'd have to be there to understand I guess

-Climbing the full 5000 something feet to the top of Grandfather Mountain and fully comprehending the sheer awe and beauty of where i live (see Photography Part 1)

-The hours i spent reading on my newly-built deck, the radio playing old 80's rock while the sun dipped below the rolling hills and submerged the mountainside inot twilight

-watching the Lion King Broadway show..with front row seats. It was nothing short of amazing

-Spending the day with my friend building mountain bike trails with some of my mom's work partners, then heading to the YMCA, and eating icecrem from Sonic ont he 45-minutes ride back.

-Dressing up as a zombie and having a blast making a movie that wouldn't probably make it to most second-hand video stores. And then heading to McDonald's and having dinner with about 20 other people...while still in our zombie outfits.

-Spending the day uptown during the Independence Day parade with a bunch of my friends, than spending the rest of the night watching a bunch of collage students mess around with Tennessee Fireworks during a pretty big Fourth of July party

And..that's about it. I can't really think of anything else. But thats soem of my favorite memories of summer for you...hope you were interested.


Sarah said...

Wow, sounds like you had a really, really awesome summer!
My school starts on September 8th (haha!) so I have a while left.. but still, I doubt I'll do anything super cool.
Most of the cool stuff that happens to me is more during the school year.. probably cuz I live out-of-the way from most of my friends :(

Hope your having fun with all the schoolyness and homework! :P