Monday, May 31, 2010

Coming To a Close

First off, sorry for the lack of posting. Last week was EOG (exam) week, and before that I was stockpiled with review work. This week is the last week of the school year- and to be truthful, I don't know if I'm happy that summers coming or sad. On one hand, this school sucks, horribly, and I can't wait to see the (brand new) high school next year. Thinking of joining the Cross-Country teem...sounds like a good idea with all the running I've been doing. Plus, this summer is going to be awesome...going to be spending almost every day with my friends...heading to skateworld, going camping, hanging out at the movies, playing football in the park...we have a lot planned this summer. Who says that I have no life? haha

But on the other hand...this school year, despite the fact that we've been screwed over by the county office multiple times (took away our school dance, took away our overnight trip to D.C, etc etc), has been really, really fun. There is a lot of people that I've had a great time with that I won't be seeing this summer, and probably won't be interacting with ever again once we get into the High School. I mean, there are 4 friends of mine that I know that I'll be having a blast in highschool (Joseph, Logan, Randy, and Marcus), but the rest are just going to go their separate ways. I mean, we've been in a grade of only 40 or so since for 9 years, and with a few exceptions, have been friends (and if not that, friendly at least) since Kindergarden. There is just a few people that I don't want to leave behind, people I know I won't be seeing when High School comes around. Might as well make this week the best so far while the school year still lasts.

This week has actually been off to a good start, which is surprising being Monday and all. The teachers don't really think that they should be teaching us anymore after exams, so we just partied all day after finishing up our last SS project. My dad, who is a professor at the local university and teaches biology (he also wrights a lot of books for a company called McGrawl Hill) came to talk to us about Evolution today, mostly because he's pretty good friends with our science teacher, Mrs. Smith. It went one flayed me afterschool because my dad talked about evolution, which was good (and for the record, I don't really care about whether you believe in creationism or evolution...I'm pretty apathetic when it comes to religion or politics), and the presentation itself was pretty eventful, moslty because My dad actually somehow makes these things seem interesting (shocker, right?) Here's a small snippet:

Dad: So, I like to think of Natural Selection kind of like The Lion Kind. Most of you have seen that movie, right?
*class nods*
Dad: Well, you know that there is two male lions - Scar and Simba, who both want the same thing. What is that?
*kid raises hand* "to be king?"
Dad: exactly. and why do they want to be king?
Kid One: To have pride rock to themselves?
Kid Two: Power?
Me: WOMEN!!!! *class breaks out laughing*

hahaha, good times, good times...We watched some film on Anne Frank that was made in the 50s or something, which is really, really boring unless your whispering dirty jokes to your friends when Anne and this guy start to get into a romance thing. I know, horrible, horrible thing to make fun about, but bear with me: the movie was really, really, really boring.

Thursday is graduation, and I'm probably going to get as many people as possible afterwords to go to Mellow Mushroom after the ceremony. Friday is the first day of summer vacation...may see If I can hit the pool, or maybe see a movie if any good ones are out. Planning on doing an all-nighter with some of my friends to celebrate the first day of summer that day too...we'll see how it goes.