Sunday, May 9, 2010

Massive Weekly Update

Okay, well the past week has been, eventful, to say the least. Well, Sunday through Wednesday was kinda boring, but I'll start the updates on the day it actually gets interesting.

Thursday the 8th grade went to Raleigh, the capital of my state, which is around a three hour bus ride from where I live in the mountains. The way there was spent watching movies on the charter bus we were on, texting to people sitting across from us, and singing to certain songs that made me thankful that the teachers were sitting in the front of the bus.
When we finally got there, we were divided into four different groups, with only about 6 or 7 people in each as we only have around 35-40 kids in our grade. I was one of only two guys in my group, but luckily the other guy I was with was a friend of mine, as were two of the girls in the group.
We visited the museum of history (the only interesting parts to me were the gun selection and the sports history area- I am such a guy), before moving on to the Museum of Natural History (science). Our groups pretty much disintegrated there, as I drifted back to my circle of friends and pretty much ignored my other classmates, who were doing pretty much the same thing.
After making our way through the museum (highlights include watching girls scream at spiders, snakes, millipeads, you name it, and riding four sets of escalators, along with seeing a pretty awesome sloth), we had lunch and made our way to the legislative building. There, we talked to a senator who happens to be the husband of one of our 7th grade teachers, and listened to a lady who was supposed to explain the building to us talk about what the red and green buttons do for an hour (she brought them up 8 times- I counted). We then went to the capital building, listened to someone tell us about a bunch of boring stuff that I didn't want to know, before getting our picture taken at the governor's mansion and getting back on the bus.
We watch The Blind Side on the way back (which is actually a pretty sad movie- some of the girls in the seat behind me were crying), and stopped at golden coral for dinner. One of my friends and I challenged two others to an eating contest, but the teachers made us stop by the 6th plate: 2 food trays and 4 deserts. We continued watching The Blind Side on the way back, before arriving back at school at around 9:30 PM

Friday was our early graduation party, funded by the local church. They gave us a free breakfast, which I demolished by eating 6 chocolate chip pancakes and a half pound of bacon. Afterwards we played Ninja Tag (the most epic game in the world), musical chairs (the church didn't have enough spare chairs, so they had the guys play the roles of the chairs- I think a few of them were enjoying the game a bit TOO much).
They then took us to the park, were we messed around playing kickball, basketball, tackle football, capture the flag, you name it. We ate a lunch contributed by Backyard Burgers, and I passed the rest of the time not playing sports chilling under a tree talking to my friends.

That night one of my friend spent the night, where we stayed up until 12 or so playing Xbox. My great-uncle was also over, who's a pretty cool guy. He introduced us to this Japanese-flute thing...played some of the most calming music I've ever heard. I spent the next night with my friend too, playing Xbox and chatting over facebook. Sunday afternoon I went on a 4-mile hike before running 3 miles...I'm pretty tired as I wright this.

Well, that was my week. Sometimes they're that eventful, sometimes my weeks are just boring old school days. Speaking of school, I got only 4 weeks left- 2 weeks for review, than EOCs (end of course test), than 4 days or so of free days.

One other thing: Tuesday's my B-Day! Sadly, i have a band concert that day, but I'm thinking of going to a pizza place across the street from my school (its located in the middle of the smaller of the two towns in my county) with two of my friends who are also in band/orchestra. I'll try to post that day if I have time too.


Sarah said...

Happy late birthday! I'm so sorry I missed it, my internet has been a wack (which caused all my school work to slip behind...)

I'm post another comment tomorrow!

Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Devon,
Happy birthday to you!


Devon said...

haha, thanks! Yeah, my weeks been hectic too (middle school drama and a ton of end of the year schoolwork has been keeping me busy). Only three weeks left for me- about time!