Friday, July 16, 2010


Well, my days have been packed this summer, which is mostly why I haven't been posting much. A few interesting things have been happening in the past weeks outside of the usual (uptown, movies, pool, etc) with friends, but I haven't really been writing much to be honest. figures, but oh well.

Well, good news is that the problems I was having between Andrea and I are pretty much over. I've been talking to her a lot, and we've both agreed to be better in our relationship...and from what I've seen so far, there has definitively been an improvement. I am worried about how we'll be able to see each other in high school though...we may or may not have the classes that we share in the same semester, but I am hoping that we'll at least have lunch hour together. High School Orientation is the 5th of August (New School!), and we get to find out which classes we have, how to get there, etc. i'll probably make a bad first impression off my teacher's from the start, but thats become the norm for me. If we don't have any classes (including lunch) with each other, I'm just going to have to put forward a real effort to see her afterschool and on weekends. Still...there is only around 300 kids in the freshman grade, so its possible that we could have a few classes together.

Really need to get my act together for running. Cross County starts about a week before school, but my mother won't go running with me at night at all and my friend Logan isn't running with me either. and its not like I can drive myself to any good running trails, and the hill that I live on is horrible for running anyways. *sigh*

On another note, one of my friends in going to be dating a girl who's...not the best girl in the world. As in, she seems really nice on the outside, but I've found out the hard way that she's not the best person in the world. Its not like I can tell my friend that though when he likes her so much...I guess he'll just have to figure out the hard way. *sigh number 2*

Two books I have to read for 105 english: Beloved and Mudbound. Mudbound it really good, but beloved it a lot harder...just sticking with mudbound for the moment. kind of worried about our english teacher though....both books are pretty racist, and seeing as I live in the south (the northern south at that, but the south) with plenty of rednecks, there is a probability that our teacher is racist. known a few teachers who have been like that, mostly because we're a mainly white county. still, it should be interesting to see what happens.

Thursday I went to this lake with two of my best friends, logan and joseph. Was a really fun day, I'll give you a rundown that you can skip over if you want.

Well, once we got to the lake, logan and joseph immediately went for the zipline. I didn't want to go, so I ended up sitting around for an hour. when they got back, we went into the lake, did a LOT of swimming. we did this thing called The Blob. where on person is on one end of this inflatable thing, around 20 feet long, and the other person jumps on it from like 6 feet above from a diving bored kind of thing to try to knock them off. After that we went to the deep end, played King of the Hill on top of some floating pyramid thing with a bunch of other kids our age, then took turns trying to touch the bottom of the 14 feet deep end (none of us managed it). by that time we tried to catch the train, it was full, so we went around 2 to check out the paintball field.

by the time we got to the paintball field (it was a looong hike) it was like 2:30... we got all of our stuff on (masks, paintball guns) and joined the 3:00 game. the 5 of us were paired with the two best players "green shirt" and "red shirt" because we were "inexperienced." We ended up doing covering fire, flanking, dodge an roll...all that military stuff. the 5 of us took 3/4 or the people out (it was one hit elimination)...but we only had 500 "bullets", about enough for 3 rounds for all of us. most of us were out of bullets by the first round.
the second time, we were placed all by ourselves against the 7 other people...and ended up tying only because we couldn't take our red shirt and green shirt within 15 minutes...I was hiding behind a tree for most of it as two of them kept shooting nonstop at me, before logan and joseph came and literally pulled me out of there.
the third time was the last round, and it didn't matter how many times you got hit, you kept playing until you ran out of bullets. that was FUN, but brutal...I was locked in a fire match with both red shirt and green shirt the entire time, and I got clipped a couple of times because of it...pretty proud about holding out against both of them at once though. Logan and Joseph eventually got to where I was taking cover in a ditch, and the three of us managed to fight them all back.

So, overall, the lake was a fantastic time. The past week has been more uneventful...everyone has been gone for the usual July vacations, and I only managed to get two things done this week with other people: watching The Lord of the Ring (the third one) at my house with Kim, Logan, and Andrea, and hanging out uptown with andrea from 12 to 5 on thursday, mostly just talking, but it went really well. one of the funnier moments (out of many, andrea is a really funny girl) took place where I was sitting on a bench with andrea in one of the more secluded parks in the town, and some random guy that neither of us knew just comes up and says "you should be glad you have such a great guy, he must be really sensitive to bring you down here" and then just left. it was realllllly weird, but really funny.

Well, 3 more weeks of summer left- gah! its going by so fast! Hopefully the next few weeks will bring along some good memories :) thinking about seeing either Despicale Me or Inseption at the movies with andrea tomorrow...which one do you guys suggest?

until next time


Sarah said...

3 more weeks?!?! I have about 8, I think... hahaha :P

And I really should read better books, maybe I'll check out mudbound when I go to the library.. right now I'm reading another TERRIBLE, old-fashioned teen romance. Gah!

Seems like your having a good summer! Mine's been great as well, but my parents think I've been visiting friends/being too busy (because I need rides everywhere... although I do bike places as well, i live a 15-minute drive from most places) so I'm stuck at home a lot of the time.

I'm glad you and Andrea are having such a good time! Weird people at parks are weird. One time some guy asked me if I like graffiti, and said there's lots of great graffiti under the bridge... :\

S a r a h