Tuesday, July 27, 2010

2 more weeks

Yeah, thats right, (less than) to more weeks until summer is over. which sucks, seeing as most kids get into september and we go in at we get in during the beginning of august. Been trying to cram everything we (as in, the group) can into these last few weeks, things like going to a lake, another bonfire, and heading to Skateworld (the local skating ring which may or may not be still arround as none of us have been for at least 4 or 5 years), along with the usual movies, uptown, pool, etc etc. All in all I guess I'm not too upset about school starting back up- I've had a really, really good summer (between hanging out with my logan and joseph, the group, or just andrea), and I am kind of excited about freshman year. because, lets face it, the school I was in kind of sucked. It as the same school, same 35-40 people every year, for nine years between kindergarden and 8th grade. you kind of get sick of the same thing year after year, and I'm just ready to see some few faces, do some new things, and altogether get out of that pit.

Still, i've had a great time with the group this summer, and I don't want to "drift away" from them, especially andrea, in high school. Kind of worried about that, but I guess we'll just have to see how things turn out. My only regrets this summer is the lack of things I've done with my family, such as hiking with my dad, running with my mom, or any summer vacations. Hopefully that will change soon.

Now that the group is back in town we can finally get things going again (as opposed to the last two weeks). Last Tuesday there was a gas leak in town- nothing major, but they evacuated uptown, which is where andrea lives. Logan, Andrea and I generally just hanged out at my house all day, which was really fun, but altogether not that eventful. Went with most of the group to a local(ish) entertainment complex called Bo's down the mountain on friday- had a really, really great time :) We were there from 1 to around 10:30- I have no idea how we managed to keep ourselves entertained that long, but I'm sure it had something to do with the four or five games of laser tag, multiple trips to the arcade, two bowling games, a game of put-put (which involved me sprinting down the highway to retrieve a runaway golfball and almost getting hit by 2 or 3 cars), and going across the street to CC's for dinner. best part of the day was seeing Andrea so happy- she was in a smiley, bubbly, giggly mood that was good to see after so many days uptown seeign her shy and quiet. that above anything else made my day :) And yes, when it came to doing another game of laser tag with the guys or playing DDR with Andrea, I stuck with andrea without a second thought. Aren't I a good boyfriend? :P

Last two days involved pool on sunday and uptown yesterday. Nothing too eventful, except one of the aforementioned girls still being a pain in the relationship between andrea and I, but neither of us are taking that crap anymore. Just hanged out today, like usual, with a good book and a glass of orange juice on the back deck wasting the day away. not too bad if I may say so myself :)

Pretty much going to give up on ascension. I just can't write anymore, not with everything going on....ah well, I may pick it back up later. But until then I'm having too much fun otherwise :)