Thursday, October 28, 2010

America Praise Poem

wrote this for english- suggestions? a praise peom in sonnet format on America


You were once our stalwart guardian,

your motherly embrace a shield against the outside world.

You once held the torch of liberty,

an eternal flame that lit the heavens with the light of freedom.

Once you proudly stood tall amongst the turmoil of the world,

symbolizing all that was right and good and just.

Once you were America, our America. But no longer.

Now, the modern world has eroded your glittering exterior,

leaving naught but a ragged, empty husk of all that you once were.

The torch that once blazed proudly has grown dim,

What was once freedom and equality becoming greed and despair.

Those who once admired you with awe,

now look down at you with harsh contempt at what you have become

You were America, our America. But no longer.


Sarah said...

My first idea for improvement is change the poem to one on Canada... but I guess that defeats the purpose? :P

Anyways, my second idea is to keep it as it's amazing self, as you're obviously a poetic whiz. I like the line "Once you were America, our America. But no longer.", and how it repeats at the end. And the vocabulary.

Just a final thing, but using "glittering exterior" are you meaning that it wasn't good inside, but only seemed like that to other countries? Because if not, maybe you could change it to something that means amazing throughout :)