Thursday, July 21, 2011

Off to the Dominican!

Leaving for the Dominican Republic at around 11/11:30 tonight with the church. Taking a bus down to Charlotte for about 2 hours, than staying at the airport for another two or three. Finally board our plain at 5 in the morning.....UGH.

And, I have anxiety problems...and I hate this should be fun :P Everything will be alright I know, but I'm already nervous and its what...6?

Anyways, while we're they we're going to the beach for a day (Andreas going with me so that will be fun :) ) and visiting the actual site where they filmed Jurassic Park. Other days we're going to spend working at a Dominican Village, helping build a school and other charity stuff. Should be fun!

Anyways, now for the bad stuff...Malaria (I'm taking pills, so I should be good) unclean water, disease, 100+ temperatures (ugggggh) and all that fun stuff. I hope everything is going to be okay :(

Well, wish me luck! I'll post again in about a week!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19

Nothing much today....mowed the lawn, went on a hike around Price Lake, and did a butt load of math homework >.< Dominican in 3 days though!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Alright...I'm Back

Sorry for that...long, long, stressful week. Almost broke up with andrea...twice...but I think things are better now. On top of that is a bratty sister, being cooped up in the house due to rain and 40-ish temperatures during the summer (ugggh), learning that my friend went to New York without be and brought along another kid, and not being able to get together with anyone to just hang out.

Long week, to say the least. But this week is going to be better- leaving for the Dominican early of Friday. I'm a little nervous of flying over the Gulf, but its not like I haven't flown before. Its going to be fun- helping some poor village near the Hati border (i think they were hit by that earthquake), going to the beach for a day for a break, and worship.

Two problems: I'm not a devout Christian in almost any way, so worship would be...difficult for me, as is going to church every Sunday. Luckily they'd be speaking in Spanish so...yeah. 2nd, besides Andrea I'm not very close to many people there. Tyler and Jackson are cool though, so I'll be hanging with them when I'm not with Andrea.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rough few days

Sorry for the lack of posting....been having a really hard couple of days. I'll be back sooner or later...probably within the week.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Had to get shots for my Dominican Republic trip today- Tetanis, Hepatitis A, and (I think) Meningitis. My arms hurt, but I guess its better than dying out there or whatnot.

On a different note, guess what favorite disease is lurking around that part of the world? Malaria! More pills it looks like then....blegh


Got a bunch of friends together last night and had a bonfire at my house. It was a lot of fun, even if half the people I invited didn't show up :( Sat around and drank cokes, chatted, played a card game called Munchkinz, made smores, and overall just had a good time. Kind of upset about a few things that happened that night, among them being made fun of because I couldn't start a fire and almost crashing my friend's Moped, but oh well...

We'll see how the rest of the week goes. Only 4 more weeks of summer

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 09

Another low key day...this summer seems really unproductive compared to last summer. Hung around for half the afternoon, Andrea came over at 3, left early for some reason...which was kind of upsetting, but I don't think she was feeling good.

Went on another hike (well, more of a walk) around The Maze at Moses Cone. Nice walk, but doesn't have many views or much scenery.

Thinking about having a bonfire with some friends tomorrow. Hopefully that will help make this summer seem a little better.


Friday, July 8, 2011

July 08

Nothing much today. Marcus came over and we've been playing Xbox ever since. Pretty low-key day. Listening to music right now, probably gonna stay up halfway through the night lol. Good times.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

7 on the 7th

Alright day today- got up at 7:00 and went to the High School to do my Cross Country workouts at 7:30. 40 minute medium run followed by strides and abbes, so it wasn't that hard of a day.

Came home and did my online class work- 4 assignments is the usual, which really sucks >.< but, hey, it gets geometry out of the way.

Rained for most of the afternoon- kind of a pattern nowadays, but I'm getting more or less used to it. Still is eating up a lot of my summer afternoon uptown time with friends, but altogether I'm not having a bad summer, just not as good as last year.

Went on two walks today: one at 4 for about fourty-five minutes on my street, and another around Simms Creek at about 7:30. Simms creek was about two miles, and it was really, really pretty at Dusk because of the mist and light. We got ambushed by cows halfway through XD there was a herd of them, and they surrounded us and started staring at our dog, moving closer and everything. It was kind of scary, but also...weird.

So, thats my day. Gonna try to post daily from now on.

I'm Back! :D

Well, I'm sorry for the (rather extended) leave of absence, but I'm back :) Anywho, gonna be using this as a kind of diary from now on- trying to post every day and all :)

Whats going on since I last posted:

Drivers Permit (1 step closer to a license!)
Online Geometry class over the summer (blegh)
Mission trip to the Dominican Republic at the end of this month :)

I'll try posting later today!