Monday, July 18, 2011

Alright...I'm Back

Sorry for that...long, long, stressful week. Almost broke up with andrea...twice...but I think things are better now. On top of that is a bratty sister, being cooped up in the house due to rain and 40-ish temperatures during the summer (ugggh), learning that my friend went to New York without be and brought along another kid, and not being able to get together with anyone to just hang out.

Long week, to say the least. But this week is going to be better- leaving for the Dominican early of Friday. I'm a little nervous of flying over the Gulf, but its not like I haven't flown before. Its going to be fun- helping some poor village near the Hati border (i think they were hit by that earthquake), going to the beach for a day for a break, and worship.

Two problems: I'm not a devout Christian in almost any way, so worship would be...difficult for me, as is going to church every Sunday. Luckily they'd be speaking in Spanish so...yeah. 2nd, besides Andrea I'm not very close to many people there. Tyler and Jackson are cool though, so I'll be hanging with them when I'm not with Andrea.



Sarah said...

Wow, sounds like a great trip! Don't worry about flying, it's boring but safe :)

We're having a heatwave of 35 degrees Celsius - 95 Fahrenheit - not including humidity, which puts it up another 10ish degrees! :\

Have fun!

Devon said...

Thanks! :D