Friday, April 23, 2010

Bon Jovi Concert!

Best Day Ever. My Mother brought my sister and I to a Bon Jovi convert in Charlotte, which, by the way, is the first concert I've ever been to, and after a 2 hour drive, we arrived at Time Warner Cable theater. After waiting through some crappey warm-up band, the real guys took center stage. I have to say, Bon Jovi still got it, even if they're pushing 50. Bon Jovi never hit a wrong note, the lead guitarists and drum player were fantastic, and altogether its been one of their best performances in recent memory. I have to say, I had some of the most fun in a long, long time. Some of my favorite songs were:

-Its my Life

-When we were beautiful


-Who says you can't go home

-Work for the working man

-Livin' on a prayer

-You want to make a memory

-Superman Tonight

He also, for the first time ever, preformed Hallelujah, which was, actually, one of the best in the performance

its an amateur video, but you have to see it- the best part is, the video was shot at the same time that I saw the concert! If you don't see any of the others, watch this one.

I sang along, clapped to, and danced (eh, somewhat kinda on the last one, but still) to every song posted above. The band played for 3 hours nonstop, and I have to say, they still got it. Livin' on a Prayer was a best- I belted that one out with all my heart, as did everyone in the audience. There we many other songs besides those, but they were the ones that stuck out the most to me. Their lead guitarist, I forget his name, was one of the best guitar players that I've ever heard. I guess that you'd have to be there to really see why I enjoyed it so much, but trust me- it was well worth the drive, and the lack of sleep I had for the next school day.

To sum it all up, the songs, guitar solos, everything, were EPIC 100000000%!!!!

P.S- for future notice, its probably the worst concert to bring your GF too, as they'll automatically be more attracted to Bon Jovi instead of you. I'm not gay or anything, but even i know, as a guy, that he looked really, really good for his age.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday Epicness- Weekly Update

Well, I've been trying to post every weekend at the least, though it's hard to do more than that because of the massive amount of homework (on Wednesday I had to bring home 4 books with a packet in each subject!) and the simple fact that there isn't too much going on to promote every-other-day updates. The leaves are just coming out here, and I'm guessing everything will be green within 2-3 weeks. I'm also taking an interest in photography, and I'll try to post a lot of pictures once the leaves come out. Ascension is coming along well, and If I can figure out how to actually make a story out of the two dozen or so pages of notes I have, I'll start posting a few excerpts from it.

Monday through Friday were more or less uneventful. We had a tone of Homework Wenesday and Thursday, and I'm running somewhat daily, though I'm going to have to start drinking a can of red bull before each run so i don't run out of energy halfway through. It's been beautiful the last few days, and the teachers took pity on us and let us go outside for the last hour Thursday and Friday, which half of the guys (includng me) conveniently spent playing smear-the-queer (aka tackle tag) and tackle football for the entire time. We also played Baseball and Kickball in P.E the two days I had it, but seeing as I misrably fail at both sports, I tried to not get too involved with playing them.

On Saturday 2 of my friends and I went to an amusement park for some Youth Group thing that one of my friends has. It around a two-hour drive there, and we stopped at a restaurant on the way, resulting with us reaching the amusement park at around 2:00. The three of us, including 2 college seniors (who I think were engaged) acting as chaperons spent the day riding rollercoaster for the entire time. There's only one slight problem: I don't do so well on rollercoasters. As a matter of fact, I hate them with passion. The thing is, everyone else in our little group (we were joined by two other girls who were also on the trip by now) LOVED rollercoasters. So, naturally, I was forced through a line to ride 6 or so rides that made my heart stop every time we took a loop or went around a turn. These included Goldrusher, which has about as many corkscrews as an amusement park can have on a rollercoaster; Thunder Road, which is just one drop after another; Vortex, the fastest ride in the park; Nighthawk, where you are lying down the entire time; the Borg, which lets you dangle from a harness while going so fast that you can't hear yourself scream, and the Intimidator, which is the longest, fastest, and highest rollercoaster in the South east U.S. The second of which we did twice. As you can believe, I was about to puke by the end, and was ready to kill my friends for dragging me on them. We ate dinner at Olive Garden, then I spent the rest of the car ride back in silence, seeing as everyone was worn out. I got home at around 12:30, and woke up this morning at 11.

So, that was my week. Felt like I needed to update my blog, and despite the roallercoasters, It was one of the best Saturdays I've had since last Summer.

BTW, here's a little thing I found on Youtube: I trust that everyone has seen the Lord of the Rings movies, and this has the speech Sam gives to Frodo at the end of the second movie in relation to our world.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Water Cycle

Huddled in a blanket of fog and ice, we wait,
Quivering in anticipation of the drop.
Steadily we grow, straining against the walls of our prison,
Until, with the sudden crack of the storm, we fall.

With the rush of the tempest surrounding us,
We dance in a scene of beauty and death.
Colliding, joining, than eventually separating once more,
We continue our plunge to the jagged peaks below.

Eventually, our rugged, icy shells, begin to degrade,
The heat gathered by the fall stripping us of our frigid cocoon layer by tiny layer.
Faster and faster we plummet,
Until we come to a sudden, violent crash against the treacherous land from which we first came.

Yet our journey has not yet come to a close,
And still we rush with the vigor of a thousand generations.
Flowing down the sides of the ravine in a rush of energy,
We find ourselves moving through the gentle plains that rest at the foot of the mountain.

For days, weeks, months, we continue our travel,
Our journey taking us through the streams, rivers, and lakes of the gentle plains.
Our progress may be deliberate, yet slowly, ever so slowly, we make our way
To our final and ultimate destination.

The crying of gulls fills us with joy:
The end of our travels has come at last!
Filled with renewed energy, we charge to the everlasting sea before us,
To be reunited with thousands, if not millions, of our fellow brethren.

With one last, final effort we push our way through the delta barring us from our final goal,
And find ourselves mingled with the flowing voices of a trillion individuals.
Finally, we allow ourselves a, brief, well-earned reprieve,
Before the light of the sun calls us once more to renew our travels.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a poem about the water cycle. I dunno, I was bored, and to tell you the truth that's not necessarily to best poem I've written, but I needed to do something productive for a change.. In reality, I'm chewing my fingernails in anticipation of both my Math Test grade (math is by far my worst subject) and my report cards, which are both coming in by Thursday. I'm hoping for the best and expecting the worse, but I guess that I'll find out soon.

Besides, I have at least something to look forward to this week: two of my friends as I are heading to Carowins with a bunch of 8th-10th grade girls (nothing intended by that last little part...*whistles*), so I just have to suffer through one last week of school before I get to do something actually fun for a change.

I'll see if I can update my blog more this week, depends on how much HW we get.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring is Summer too!

Another random post, but who gives? just giving a bit of info on whats what at the moment.

Well, for starters, the last few days have been warm, as in 70-80 degrees warm (was 80 today, had to wear shorts for the first time in a while)  This kind of weather is my favorite, the warm, sunny, 7:00 and still daylight weather.

For the last few days I've been running, a lot, and I just completed two 3-4 mile runs without stopping on an area we call "the maze' around Bass Lake. I'll see if I can bring a Camera the next time I got there...its stunning, makes me proud to live in the Mountains. I'm tired though...can't manage to stay up later than 10:00 with all the exercise. It's getting me in great shape though...going to try out for Cross Country for the High School in the fall, perhaps trying out for basketball too.

Speaking of High school, just found out what classes I'm taking next year. They are as follows:

105 English
Algebra Fundamentals/Algebra Completer (two summester class)
History (honors)
Science (honors)
Band (A/B year-round)
Health Class (A/B year round...ugh)

Was thinking of taking up Spanish, but I'm going to reserve that for Softmore Year. the best part is that we get a brand-new High School the year I go in, meaning that it has a cafeteria that functions like a food court, a massive gym, better Football and Soccer stadiums, is positioned right by our Greenway for Cross Country, and the best part is, seeing as we get orientation in the building before the school year, the freshman are going to know the most about how to get around...for a change.

Oh, and the entire High School gets (free!) laptops. awesome

April 17th is the Annual 8th grade dance, aka the annual sit-around-and-talk-with-music-blaring-and-bad-soda. Was going to (try) to score a date and go but I'm heading to a local amusement park, Carowins, with two of my friends that day. However, seeing as I can't stand to go on roller coasters, and that they love them, I don't know if its going to be super-fun or a nightmare...going to have to wait and see.

Also is Spring Fling coming up, the school's spring festival. Nothing much to talk about here...just a good time to get together with friends.

The School finally took pity on us, and though we still don't get a spring break, Easter Weekend is now a long weekend, with tomorrow being a half-day and Monday off. at least its something, I guess. Going to warm like today was, which is awesome.

And to sum up this post, here's a run down of my day:

Got home, took dog for 1 mile walk
Ran 3 miles on The Maze, in 80 degree weather, which was tough
Stopped by the Grocery Store
Took dog for another walk, this time with my sister
Read and did homework on the back porch, accompanied by a glass of lemonade and a bag of popcorn
Had dinner on the back porch, steak and sweet potatoes w/ salad, Hope did her begging eyes and gained another 5 pounds off table scraps (7:00 and still daylight by now)
Went on computer, checked on facebook, updated blog.

And...that's about it.