Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Water Cycle

Huddled in a blanket of fog and ice, we wait,
Quivering in anticipation of the drop.
Steadily we grow, straining against the walls of our prison,
Until, with the sudden crack of the storm, we fall.

With the rush of the tempest surrounding us,
We dance in a scene of beauty and death.
Colliding, joining, than eventually separating once more,
We continue our plunge to the jagged peaks below.

Eventually, our rugged, icy shells, begin to degrade,
The heat gathered by the fall stripping us of our frigid cocoon layer by tiny layer.
Faster and faster we plummet,
Until we come to a sudden, violent crash against the treacherous land from which we first came.

Yet our journey has not yet come to a close,
And still we rush with the vigor of a thousand generations.
Flowing down the sides of the ravine in a rush of energy,
We find ourselves moving through the gentle plains that rest at the foot of the mountain.

For days, weeks, months, we continue our travel,
Our journey taking us through the streams, rivers, and lakes of the gentle plains.
Our progress may be deliberate, yet slowly, ever so slowly, we make our way
To our final and ultimate destination.

The crying of gulls fills us with joy:
The end of our travels has come at last!
Filled with renewed energy, we charge to the everlasting sea before us,
To be reunited with thousands, if not millions, of our fellow brethren.

With one last, final effort we push our way through the delta barring us from our final goal,
And find ourselves mingled with the flowing voices of a trillion individuals.
Finally, we allow ourselves a, brief, well-earned reprieve,
Before the light of the sun calls us once more to renew our travels.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a poem about the water cycle. I dunno, I was bored, and to tell you the truth that's not necessarily to best poem I've written, but I needed to do something productive for a change.. In reality, I'm chewing my fingernails in anticipation of both my Math Test grade (math is by far my worst subject) and my report cards, which are both coming in by Thursday. I'm hoping for the best and expecting the worse, but I guess that I'll find out soon.

Besides, I have at least something to look forward to this week: two of my friends as I are heading to Carowins with a bunch of 8th-10th grade girls (nothing intended by that last little part...*whistles*), so I just have to suffer through one last week of school before I get to do something actually fun for a change.

I'll see if I can update my blog more this week, depends on how much HW we get.