Friday, April 23, 2010

Bon Jovi Concert!

Best Day Ever. My Mother brought my sister and I to a Bon Jovi convert in Charlotte, which, by the way, is the first concert I've ever been to, and after a 2 hour drive, we arrived at Time Warner Cable theater. After waiting through some crappey warm-up band, the real guys took center stage. I have to say, Bon Jovi still got it, even if they're pushing 50. Bon Jovi never hit a wrong note, the lead guitarists and drum player were fantastic, and altogether its been one of their best performances in recent memory. I have to say, I had some of the most fun in a long, long time. Some of my favorite songs were:

-Its my Life

-When we were beautiful


-Who says you can't go home

-Work for the working man

-Livin' on a prayer

-You want to make a memory

-Superman Tonight

He also, for the first time ever, preformed Hallelujah, which was, actually, one of the best in the performance

its an amateur video, but you have to see it- the best part is, the video was shot at the same time that I saw the concert! If you don't see any of the others, watch this one.

I sang along, clapped to, and danced (eh, somewhat kinda on the last one, but still) to every song posted above. The band played for 3 hours nonstop, and I have to say, they still got it. Livin' on a Prayer was a best- I belted that one out with all my heart, as did everyone in the audience. There we many other songs besides those, but they were the ones that stuck out the most to me. Their lead guitarist, I forget his name, was one of the best guitar players that I've ever heard. I guess that you'd have to be there to really see why I enjoyed it so much, but trust me- it was well worth the drive, and the lack of sleep I had for the next school day.

To sum it all up, the songs, guitar solos, everything, were EPIC 100000000%!!!!

P.S- for future notice, its probably the worst concert to bring your GF too, as they'll automatically be more attracted to Bon Jovi instead of you. I'm not gay or anything, but even i know, as a guy, that he looked really, really good for his age.


Devon said...
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Sandy W said...

That was my favorite song of the concert. Thanks for posting Dev.