Sunday, April 19, 2009

Iron Lotus

They had all hear the stories: the day, nearly 200 years ago, when the sky had filled with fire and death reigned on the land. When plague ripped the souls of the living, and the shadows crept from their tombs to seek retribution on the living. And how only those securely held within the massive underground cities, or Vaults, had survived the years of the Apocalypse. Not that Jake Edwards believed any of that crap, it was simply to him a thin excuse to keep the people of Vault 13 underground and under the overseer's dictatorial rule. But it wasn't either of these daunting facts that filled Jake's mind as he wandered down the complex tunnels of the Vault. All that mattered at the moments was the prospect of joining the Vault's biggest, baddest, and wildest group on the streets: Snakehead.
Though curfew was technically in effect, true Snakes could evade the watch with ease, and Jake suspected that this was his first trial on the way to full membership. Not like it was much of a problem for him, as he had traveled these streets almost every day when he was young, on his have that perfect artificial night with his girl friend, Megan. That was until some drunk guard had beat her to death three years ago, that is. Sliding down a railing silently behind the guard, he slammed his hands against the watch's temples, knocking him unconscious. Taking the guard's pocket book, he waved it in the air to whichever snake was undoubtedly watching. The Snakes had earned they're famous rep as rebels against the Overseer, a kind of robin hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Though random vandalism was not at all uncommon.
A shadow in the darkness of the endless cavern, he made his way passed three more guards before coming across the ruined husk of an ancient storehouse. He walked to the door, before his wrist was seized by a cloaked figure to the left. Even when Jake had his eyes cast fully apon the figure he found that his eyes couldn't focus fully on the edges of the man's cloak, but ignored the wrenching fealing in his stomach as he followed the shadow through an open window.
The Snake threw back his hood, and Jake gasped: it was Alexander Cresswood, the legendary leader of Snakehead. Rumors were that even the Overseer did not know the existence of this hero, that he was the noblest of all within the Vault. And when the striking nineteen year old flashed him a toothy grin, Jake couldn't help to feel a sense of awe.
'Huh, you actually made it, Edwards. Guess you're not half as bad as i thought you were..still not quite as good as a snake, but you show a certain..potential." Xander's voice was thick with a slight accent, and Jake could tell that each word held a hidden meaning. "Of course, we need only the best of the best in the Snakes, and I am skeptical on how well you could survive in our family..without friends outside of the clave, living on the fringes of society."
His heart sinking, Jake listend, dismayed, to the rest of Cresswood's speach:
"We need proof that you could accomplish that no normal man could act verging on the impossible that would seal your membership ito Snakehead"
"Yes, yes, anything you want! i'll do anything!" Jake replied earnestly, desperate to do anything, anything to give his miserable life on the streets a meaning.
The Adderhead grinned, then relied in a boarderline mocking voice: "i must admire your dedication, even how frail you're use to us may be. Very well, i may as well give you a chance"
'I want you to kill the overseer"


Sarah said...

Ooohh sounds pretty cool. Really good idea/setting... write more!

Kayla said...

whoa... inspired by Fallout, are we, hmm?
btw i like it